Monday, February 25, 2013

12 days out, dial in time!

We are almost at the full dial in for my first show with the OPA, March 9th in Toronto.
What does the next week look like for the bunny??

60 minutes cardio on the treadmill when i wake up

Followed by 1 hour weights each day & 45 minutes cardio
Monday: Legs /cardio
Tuesday Arms / cardio
Wednesday Cardio /cardio
Thurs Chest / Delt & cardio
 Friday: Back / Cardio

Condiments, spices (except for cinnamon) and extend have all been cut.

I start my carb depletion on Wednesday for 1 whole week.

Bed time: between 8:30-9pm each night so that i get 8-9 hours of sleep... this will be my savour!

Here's to the hardest week yet!!!
Love, Fit Bunny

Monday, February 18, 2013

3 weeks out... what will i get up to?

It's crunch time now!
I am less than 3 weeks out of competition, and it is now go time! For the next week, I have started to make more drastic changes to get my body to look its best for the March 9th OPA show.
Every morning i get up and walk on the treadmill for 45 minutes, to then eat my breakfast. This has dropped considerably, to eggs only! (no more quinoa or oats!)
I have also dropped the quantity of carbs and oils. For example, i have dropped oats in 1 of my meals from 2/3 cup to 1/2 cup... and oils may have changed from 1tbsp to 2tsp.
This will be my last week of condiments, extend, stevia, spices and sauces... as we start the carb depletion next week! Depending on how i look it could range from 7-10 days.

Cardio has once again increased: mid afternoon cardio is 15 minutes step mill, 15 minutes arc trainer and 15 minutes treadmill. On carb free days (Sunday & Wednesday) or days off, i will be doing 2 hours of cardio.

Weights have changed with regard to style of training. No longer am i hitting Personal Best's... its all about the squeeze, and getting my muscles the best they can look with what i have! Giving them rest and shaping as much as possible.

I have also been getting athletic therapy every week to help release the tightness in my back & neck... in hopes it will help it grow... along with acupuncture! I cant thank everyone that is involved with this process, to help me look my best!

Here's to another hard week ahead, and getting myself prepped for the 10 day out routine!!!

Lots of Love
Fit Bunny